Place Name Abenaki English Translation
Abenaki Wôbanakiak People of the Dawn
Alnôbak The People
Ammonoosuc Ômanosek Zibo Fishing River
Ascutney Kaskakadenak Wide Mountain
Connecticut Kwanitekw Long River
Contoocook Bagôntekw Butternut River
Coos Pine Tree Place
Mascoma Mazalopskok Zibo Clap Place River (also the name of a Sokwaki man)
Merrimack Molôdemak Zibo Deep Water River
Mississiquoi Wazawatekw Crooked River
Monadnock Menonadenak Smooth Mountain
Moosilauke Mozalhlakik Wadso Cow Moose Land Mountain
Ompompanoosuc Bemômanosek Zibo Fishing Place River
Passumpsic Pasômkasek Zibo Sandy Bottom River
Sunapee Seninebes Rock Lake
West River Wantastek Lost River
Winnipesaukee Wiwinebeskik Lake Region Place
Winooski Winoskitekw Onion Land River