Teaching Village Life: Bibliography and Links




Background History Books

Jan Albers, Hands on the Land (2002)
Rebecca Brown, Editor, Where the Great River Rises (2009)


Richard Ewald, Proud to Live Here: In the Connecticut River Valley of Vermont and New Hampshire (2003)


David Foster, New England Forests through Time (2000) See also the online link

Children’s Books:


·       Charlie Needs a Cloak by Tomie dePaola 

·       The Ox-Cart Man, by Donald Hall 

·       Lyddie; Jip: His Story, by Katherine Paterson 



Background Information

Freedom and Unity
This exhibit provides good contextual information.


Landscape History of Central New England
This is the website for the book New England Forests Through Time




Old Maps
Here is where you can find copies of old maps such as the Beers Atlas maps


This standards-based unit is a series of eight lessons, whereby a class uses historical maps, field trips, primary and secondary resources, and interviews with community elders to create a Quest capturing “hidden stories” in their town. Suitable for 4th – 8th grade


Primary Sources